The Pokémon Wild Force Japanese Booster Box SV5K, released on January 26, 2024, is a captivating addition to the Japanese Pokémon Trading Card Game. Initially launched exclusively at Pokémon Centers and select toy stores in Japan, this booster box quickly became a sought-after item, with sales conducted by lottery due to overwhelming demand.
This booster box contains 30 packs, each with 5 random cards, offering an exciting opportunity to expand your collection. The complete set features 100 cards, including 71 regular cards, 12 AR (Amazing Rare), 9 SR (Super Rare), 5 SAR (Super Amazing Rare), and 3 UR (Ultra Rare) cards. Keep in mind that purchasing a single booster box does not guarantee a full set, as the contents are randomly distributed, adding to the thrill of the hunt for rare cards.
This set introduces new Generation 9 characters alongside the ancient ancestors of the Beasts of Johto, such as Paradox Pokémon Raging Bolt, an ancestor of Raikou, and Gouging Fire, an ancestor of Entei. These unique additions make the set particularly appealing to collectors and players alike.
Important Factual Info:
– Release Date: January 26, 2024
– Number of Packs: 30 packs per box
– Cards per Pack: 5 random cards per pack
– Total Cards in Set: 100 cards (71 regular, 12 AR, 9 SR, 5 SAR, 3 UR)
– Language: Japanese
– Availability: Initially available at Pokémon Centers and select toy stores in Japan, sold by lottery due to high demand
– Top Chase Cards: Includes highly sought-after SAR and UR cards, featuring Paradox Pokémon
Sales Points:
– Exclusive release in Japan, enhancing its collector’s value
– Random distribution of cards, including rare and ultra-rare finds
– Features new and exclusive Pokémon characters
– High demand led to lottery-based sales, underscoring its popularity
The Pokémon Wild Force Japanese Booster Box SV5K is a must-have for any avid Pokémon card collector or player, offering a thrilling chance to discover rare and unique cards that enhance any collection.
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